Mathematics for Management
Calculus I
Applied Calculus I
Calculus II
Mathematics, Culture and Society
Linear Algebra
Numerical Linear Algebra
Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
Foundations of Applied Linear Algebra
Introduction to Mathematical Proofs
Finite Mathematics
Mathematical Methods I
Mathematical Methods II
Differential and Integral Calculus
Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory I
Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory II
Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
Statistical Data Analysis
Differential and Integral Calculus I
Differential and Integral Calculus II
Introduction to Probability
Introduction to Optimisation
and Financial Mathematics
Introductory Mathematical Economics II
Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory
Introduction to Group Theory
Multivariable Calculus
Real Analysis
Real Analysis I
Linear Algebra II
Vector Calculus
Honours Linear Algebra
Rings and Fields
Applied Linear Algebra
Introductory Financial Mathematics
Computational Linear Algebra
Discrete Mathematics
Discrete Structures I
Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra I
Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra II
Mathematical Modeling
Calculus III
Integral Calculus for Commerce and Social Science
Introduction to Probability and Statistics II
Mathematics for Engineering
University Calculus II
Foundations for Higher Mathematics
Intermediate Calculus I
Intermediate Calculus II
Foundations of Geometry
Abstract Algebra
Abstract Linear Algebra
Applied Probability
Applied Linear Models
Life Contingencies
Foundations of Probability
Complex Analysis
Introduction to Wavelets
Advanced Calculus I
Advanced Calculus II
Advanced Calculus
History of Mathematics I
History of Mathematics II
Classical Game Theory
Introduction to Numerical Analysis
Introduction to Analysis
Introduction to Complex Variables
Applied Complex Analysis
Economics of Labor and Population
Applied Algebra
Methods of Survey Sampling
Differential Equations
Ordinary Differential Equations
and the
Ordinary Differential Equations
Ordinary Differential
Equations I
Ordinary Differential Equations II
Differential Equations for Engineers
Numerical Methods
Mathematical Themes in History
Applied Complex Analysis
Applied Real Analysis
Coding Theory
Mathematical Models with Applications
Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Rings and Modules
Functions of a Complex Variable
Methods of Financial Modelling
Graph Theory and Applications
Optimization Theory and Practice
Mathematics of Finance
Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems
Introduction to Field Theory and Applications
Evolutionary Game Theory
Mathematics for Financial Analysis I
Mathematics for Financial Analysis II
Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations
Introduction to Time Series Analysis
Regression Analysis
Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra
Numerical Computing
Introduction to Quantum Computing
Advanced Calculus and Fourier Analysis
Methods of Machine Learning
Applied Linear Models II
Analytic Function Theory
Probability and Statistics in Electrical Engineering
Partial Differential Equations
Real Analysis II
Mathematical Methods
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